Website Manager

American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Region 5 - Fountain Valley


Team Manager Responsibilities

Thank you for volunteering for this critical role as Team Manager! The responsibilities are primarily administrative tasks for your team and supporting the coaches and players. Here are some tips to help you through this journey.

Team Manager Meeting:
At the Team Manager meeting you will receive a packet with lots of valuable information. This will include paperwork such as, team party coupons and banner flyers.

Team Roster/Snack Schedule:
You’ll be responsible for making a team roster and snack schedule. The younger kids really enjoy snacks, but the older kids (14U and up) will depend on if your teams want to participate. Snacks ideas are crackers, cookies, grapes, oranges, fruit snacks, jerky, applesauce and juice box, water or Gatorade. 

Email Parents:
Obtain each parent’s email address and send out a “Hey I’m the Team Manager” email as soon as you can. You will want to always keep parents informed of what’s going on. If the coach hasn’t done so already, be sure to let them know when practices are expected, how early they need to show up before the game, etc. 

Apps for Communication:
Some apps to communicate and to keep practice, game, and snack schedules organized, include but are NOT limited to, GroupMe, Mojo, Band, TeamSnap, Heja, etc. 

Order the Team Banner:
For soccer, part of the fun of playing on a team is making up the team name. Don’t let the team and coach wait too long to determine a name. Ideally, you want to have the banner ordered and received before the first game. After you’ve ordered the banner, let each parent know what the cost per player is and collect for the banner. Most likely you will also be responsible for bringing the banner to each game. Only first names on team banner as per AYSO rules. Do not put last names or jersey numbers. 

Keep Registration Information:
For AYSO it is required that the Team Parent keep a copy of the player's information which contains their authorization for medical releases in case of an emergency and contact phone numbers. Be sure to bring this to every game and practice.

Snack Bar Duty & Referee Tent:
Sometime during the season your team will be assigned a snack bar duty day. It will be your responsibility to politely recruit the parents to volunteer to help in the snack bar. You’ll have to let them know the date, time and the required amount of hours they need to be there. 

Picture Day:
You will need to coordinate picture day with the team. This includes receiving the picture packets to pass out to parents. 

Plan Team Party:
There are tons of places you can have a team party. Suggestions include, Lamppost Pizza, First Class Pizza, someone’s home, bowling alley, or the park.

Purchase Coach Gift(s):
Purchase the coach’s gift(s) at least two weeks prior to end-of-season. After you’ve purchased the gift, let each parent know what the cost per player is (minus the coach’s child of course).

Don’t feel you have to go it alone. You can absolutely delegate some duties to other parents who are willing to help.



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Contact AYSO5

AYSO Region 5

17870 Newhope Street 104-482, ** PO BOX ONLY **
Fountain Valley, California 92708

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 562-900-0964
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